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2002 Interviews with Downwinders
from Utrok & Ebeye, Kwajalein
The SoundCloud Interviews on this page are in English with Marshallese translations

Kai Erkison, Nelly Aplos &
Councilman Asburn McAvoy
Utrok 2002

Kai Erikson shmoozing with
Jabor Compoj, Utrok 2002

Kai Erikson testifying as an expert witness on behalf of Utrok before the Nuclear Claims Tribunal re: Utrok's $300 million lawsuit against the U.S. for land damage from the nuclear testing 1946-58. Majuro, Marshall Islands 2002.

Kai Erikson, Councilman Asburn McAvoy & Kioto Jokaj, Utrok 2002

Principal Ruth Ann Matthews, Councilman Asburn McAvoy and Kai Erikson, Ebeye, Kwajalein 2002

Kai Erikson & young girl, Utrok
Protestant church 2002
Dennis O' Rourke-NPR-Half LifeArtist Name
00:00 / 06:09
Listen to this POWERFUL 1986 NPR interview with filmmaker Dennis O'Rourke re: "Half Life"
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