Interviews & Music
A one-hour interview with the legendary Lijon Eknilang of Rongelap recounting her experiences with "Bravo"(Courtesy of the Marshall Islands Story Project)
A one-hour interview with Senator Tomaki Juda of Bikini recounting his experiences with "Bravo" (Courtesy of the Marshall Islands Story Project)
Anthropologist Glenn Alcalay & Sociologist Kai Erikson interviewed Marshall Islanders who witnessed and lived through the U.S. nuclear testing program. These MP3 Sound Cloud audio interviews have been previously unavailable to the public. These interviews were recorded in 1981, 1985, 1990-91, and 2002 in the Marshall Islands.

Schoolteacher Aisen Tima saying goodbye
to Rongelap during "Operation Exodus" with Greenpeace's "Rainbow Warrior" - May 1985

Rojmi Katwon - Utrok - 1975

Kai Erikson & friend
Utrok Protestant Church - 2002
"A-bomb damage, then, is so complex and extensive that it cannot be reduced to any single characteristic or problem. It must be seen overall, as an inter-related array – massive physical and human loss, social disintegration, and psychological and spiritual shock – that affects all life and society. Only then can one grasp the seriousness of its total impact on the biological systems that sustain life and health, on the social systems that enable people to live and work together, and on the mental functions that hold these two dimensions in integrated unity. The essence of atomic destruction lies in the totality of its impact on man and society and on all the systems that affect their mutual continuation."
- Hiroshima and Nagasaki: The Physical, Medical and Social Effects of the Atomic Bombings by the
Committee on Hiroshima & Nagasaki. 1981. Basic Books.